Monday, May 14, 2007

23 Days

and counting. That's how many full days are left in the school year here. Then my little guy will be a *gulp* first grader??? How in the world? This ride is going at an alarming, break-neck speed, and I want to get off! Now! I had such a hard time with him starting Kindergarten, but then it happened. And it was wonderful. Wonderful! His teacher is incredible. We couldn't have asked for a better first time in school experience. His response to school has been very positive, as well (except for that early in the morning wake up, but who likes that? Seriously.) All around, it's been nothing short of GREAT. So now what? I have to get all unsettled again, get all nervous again, waiting for the next teacher, the next grade, knowing that now it will be "real school" -- just typing this out is giving me the butterflies. Ohh, being the mom is hard sometimes. Why can't they stay little just a little while longer? :-(


Karianne said...

I do the same thing! I worry when I'm not worrying about something! Just think, if things don't turn out to be as perfect as this year, you'll fix it. You will work it out.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hear you! Especially about the getting up part. That never gets easier! ;)

A. will be in first grade too -- she loves school but keeps saying that first grade won't be fun because there's more work and not as much playing, LOL. And everyone always asks if E. will be starting kindergarten in the fall -- I'm all, "NOOOOOO!! We still have another year!" I'll be a big weeping puddle of Momma when that happens...