Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Too sweet not to share...

They are watching SpongeBob or something else just as mindless --
but they always snuggle up together and he plays with her hair...
This is how Brian and I sit too when we watch a movie
(only I don't get so lucky to get my hair played with lol)...


Traci said...

Okay, that is adorable. And in the 2nd picture, JD looks so old. Sad!!!

Karianne said...

OK, my 2 would be beating the you know what out of each other! Lucky!

Kelly L said...

I love when my kids snuggle when they don't know I am watching.. the best moments..
Thank you for sharing.


KrayonKel said...

So sweet. :)

MOMSWEB said...

This is so precious. Unfortunately, I don't see this anymore with my older sons, but they do play and wrestle together. Does this count? LOL