Monday, November 03, 2008

a few more pics

Jonathan's class had "Cowboy Day" a few weeks back, which resulted in some fun times here at home, with he and his friends have a big old western town play date in our backyard that whole day. It was pretty fun to watch their imaginitave play. Of course I took the opportunity to take photos!! :) Here are the results...

Lasso'in it up, Mom!

I gotcha, Mom!!!
Looking good there, buddy!

Of course, Katie Grace had to try on some of the garb...

And I couldn't resist getting a profile shot either, look at those curls after bathtime and that baby profile..yummy!!!


Anonymous said...

LOVE your blog and the music!!!!!!! Awesome pics of your little cowboy too.

Traci said...

So cute!! JD is so animated and just ... FUN. And KG is stunning. Give hugs from us! ~ T & NG

Anonymous said...

Jonathan is so darn animated - I love that face!

And those girls (and eyelashes!) are to die for!