Todd is the lead singer for Selah. For those following their story, you know that Baby Audrey was born and lived for 2 hours, 7 weeks ago before she went to be with our Father in Heaven. To say it's been a hard road for Todd and Angie, their 3 girls, and all of those that love them is an incredible understatement.
Last night i was reading on her blog and found out that Todd's sister Nicol, who was an original singer on Selah (and the reason we fell in love with them in the first place), lost her baby boy Luke to SIDS. We are just overwhelmed and so saddened to hear this news, right on the heels of the Steven Curtis Chapman family tragedy... we can only cry out to God and remind ourselves that our ways are not His ways, and that He is the author and finisher of life, and that we are comforted in knowing His hand is on each one of us, especially our children whom we hold so dear.
I am reminded of the wise words of my dear pastor Paul Hazlett whom has since gone on to be with the Lord, after we had Jonathan dedicated to Jesus as a baby. As he passed him back to our arms, he said gently to us,
"Hold him lightly now, for he belongs to Jesus."
Our prayers are with the Sponbergs tonight as they make arrangement for their littlest one, and they give him back to God.
Find updates on Angie's blog:
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